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Update: Prosecution of the Mars Puppy Mill Operators 

Hwaseong City - Mars Puppy Mill

Calls for Stricter Animal Welfare Laws Grow in South Korea Following Recent Findings, Inspired by Lucy’s Law

In December 2024, South Korean authorities brought to light the horrifying conditions inside the “Mars” puppy mill in Hwaseong City that exploited and abused dogs in unimaginable ways. The investigation revealed a systematic disregard for animal welfare, with one goal in mind: maximizing profits at the expense of innocent lives.

This post delves into the findings from the investigation and the importance of ending the cycle of cruelty perpetuated by the puppy mill industry.

The Investigation

Authorities uncovered egregious violations at the puppy mill, operated by a group of individuals who prioritized profit over the well-being of the animals in their care. The atrocities included:

  • Inhumane Breeding Practices: Female dogs were subjected to unsafe surgical procedures without anesthesia, such as having their abdomens cut open to extract puppies.
  • Cruel Euthanasia Methods: Older dogs deemed “no longer profitable” were euthanized using muscle relaxants, often without veterinary oversight.
  • Overcrowded and Unsafe Conditions: Over 1,400 dogs were packed into small cages stacked three tiers high, with no access to proper hygiene or space to move.
  • Lack of Medical Care: Vaccines and medications were improperly administered by unlicensed individuals, risking the health of the dogs.

The Toll on Dogs

The mill bred popular small breeds like Malteses, Shih Tzus, and Pomeranians because they were easy to sell. Sadly, these dogs often faced malnutrition and chronic health problems due to the mill’s neglect. The puppies were purposely underfed to keep them small, which caused lifelong issues like hypoglycemia and developmental delays.

Adult dogs, particularly the females, were forced into constant pregnancies with no time to recover, and many tragically died from complications. The investigation uncovered that when these dogs could no longer reproduce, they were simply seen as having ‘served their purpose.’

A Profitable, Yet Inhumane System

The mill’s business model thrived on exploitation. Dogs were bred en masse and sold through auctions to pet shops, creating a three-tiered distribution system:

1. Breeding Mill → 2. Auction House → 3. Pet Shops/Consumers

This system prioritized mass production and profit, leaving no regard for the dogs’ well-being. While buyers saw adorable puppies in storefronts, they remained unaware of the cruel origins of their new pets.

The Fight for Change

The prosecution of the mill’s operators marked a significant step in holding perpetrators accountable for animal cruelty. However, this case also highlighted the systemic issues enabling these operations, including insufficient enforcement of animal welfare laws and consumer demand for “designer” puppies.

In South Korea, the movement for stronger regulations, known as “Lucy’s Law,” is pushing for significant changes to the pet trade. Korean K9 Rescue and other advocates are calling for stricter laws to end the cruelty of puppy mills, particularly by banning the sale of puppies from third-party breeders in pet shops. This movement underscores the need for greater accountability and better protection for animals.

Ending puppy mill cruelty requires a shift in culture and awareness:

  • Adopt, Don’t Shop: Choosing adoption over purchasing pets prevents the demand that fuels these mills.
  • Support Rescues: Organizations like Korean K9 Rescue work tirelessly to save dogs from such conditions and provide them with the care they deserve.
  • Advocate for Stricter Laws: Stronger enforcement of animal protection laws, such as those advocated under “Lucy’s Law,” can deter mills from operating.

The Role of Korean K9 Rescue

At Korean K9 Rescue, we’ve seen firsthand the resilience of dogs rescued from mills. These animals may arrive scared, sick, or traumatized, but with time, love, and care, they can transform into loving companions. Rumi, one of our rescue dogs, is a living testament to the power of second chances.

Every adoption helps end the cycle of cruelty by giving these dogs the homes they’ve always deserved.

How You Can Help

  • Adopt a Rescue Dog: Consider giving a forever home to a dog in need.
  • Foster: Help a dog transition from a mill to a safe, loving environment.
  • Donate: Support rescues in their mission to save and rehabilitate these animals.
  • Spread Awareness: Educate friends and family about the realities of puppy mills and the importance of adoption.

Together, we can fight to end the cruelty of puppy mills and ensure that every dog has a chance at a happy, healthy life.